by Julia Dieter

On October 30, 2023, Lonza and EMBL reconvened for a collaborative discussion at the EMBL headquarters in Heidelberg, Germany, to exchange insights into their ongoing research projects and delve into shared scientific interests. EMBL gladly welcomed a highly experienced Lonza delegation representing different Lonza sites and disciplines, and covering expertise in mammalian R&D, microbial R&D as well as external innovations. The event was organized and moderated by EMBL Enterprise Management Technology Transfer GmbH (EMBLEM), the commercial arm and technology transfer office of EMBL, in concert with Lonza.

EMBL was represented by several research groups covering the topics of riboregulation, catalogues & repositories of genomes & protein interaction sites, spatial biology, single ribonucleoprotein tracking, RNA polymerase structural studies as well as cellular and multicellular organization theories.

EMBL scientists actively engaged in discussion with the Lonza delegation, exploring the potential of incorporating EMBL’s fundamental research into critical methods and approaches that align with Lonza’s external innovation focus areas such as high-throughput technologies and bioinformatics & data science.

First shared interests and ideas were identified, laying the groundwork for potential future innovative projects. Together, Lonza and EMBL envision a continued exchange and collaboration based on the positive outcomes of this fruitful visit.